Thursday, September 1, 2011

Launching to London now--and 10 years ago

1 September 2011

Writing the date--"September"-- makes me realize that Lily's and my departure is now imminent in a few days instead of a few weeks.  We're making great progress checking off the "to-do" lists and each of us now has a partially packed suitcase sitting on our bedroom floor.  Plus, the house is almost packed up.  Last weekend Peter made incredible repairs and improvements throughout--painting, power washing, organizing the basement and garage. . . I'm very impressed and proud of how energetic and efficient he is. He's been planning and working the past six months to develop and prepare his Bay Cities team to run operations day to day.   I'm also proud of the girls and all their work to prepare from selling granola and earrings in the UUFRC Christmas boutique to babysitting to helping advertise and sell items at our August family garage sale.

The September date also projects me back ten years ago when we moved to the UK the first time--Peter had an assignment with Cummins in power generation, which took our family to Canterbury, Kent for 2 1/2 years.  We arrived just weeks before 9/11 and looking back, I realize how that autumn was one of the most challenging in my life.  Not only did that tragedy shock the western world, but we had many adjustments to make to our new environment as well.  We had been living in Beijing the previous three years where I was  spoiled by "household staff"--a nanny and a driver.  Now I had to learn how to drive on the left side of the road (thankfully, for this UK stay we will be using public transport!), wash clothes without a dryer (only Americans count that as a hardship!), adjust to living in a rural environment, a new school for the girls, a whole new culture that I naively assumed would be very similar to the US. . . This time there will be no doubt elements of culture shock, but we're coming as already confirmed "anglophiles" and we're plugging into an already established Study Abroad program through AIFS.  More on that later. . .


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Blog is Up

Boxes are stacked about our home.  Packing lists are written and modified.  Money is deposited in our London Fund.  Cali has been adopted for the next four months by friends. The count down is into single digits.   So the time has come to launch this family blog.  Our dinner table conversation this evening was a brainstorm of blog titles:  Mind the Gap.  A heap of rubbish.  Across the Pond. Red Phone Booth... finally "The Piccadilly Line" won out.  Lily and I selected the background photo (Red Phone Booth) and Beth approved the color (Piccadilly Line Blue), Abby chose the font (Georgia).

So check "launch the blog" off the list.

Now back to the other shoes for Beth, sign addendum to our Will, meet with Abby's teachers to arrange independent study assignments....
