Monday, September 26, 2011

It’s Monday Morning, Time to Head Off to Work.

We’ve just enjoyed a lovely, full weekend.  Beth teaches Mondy through Thursday, so Friday we spent the day in Greenwich.  Saturday the girls and I explored the wonderful Portobello Street Market in Notting Hill and we all had dinner with friends in a nearby town.  Sunday we returned to Canterbury where we’d lived for 2.5 years seven years ago to see friends and familiar sites.

All of that feels like a travel vacation.  But today is a work day.  Beth is off to teach her classes and will be busy in town all day.  The girls and I begin our work week routine.  We arrive at work (our respective desks) at 8am and work until 12, when we pause for a half- hour lunch together.  We continue our work until 2:30 at which point we break free, get out of the house and see something. Today we’ll head in to Regent’s street so Abby and Lily can pick up their London Pass travel card.

During our 8:00 to 2:30 work day Lily spends two hours each on three of her five subjects (Math, Physics, World Studies, English and Spanish), Tuesday she tackles the other two.  Abby’s faster (either less work or smarter than the rest of us) so by 11:30 or so she is “done” with her daily work load of reading, writing, work sheets and problems.  I divide my work into three two-hour chunks: 1. London BCAG work – things that I can do for my business from here that I never make time for when I’m in San Carlos: writing eLetter articles, updating our web site, etc.; 2. San Carlos BCAG work – supporting my team, answering emails, Skype calls; and 3. Sabbatical work – thinking about the future of BCAG, new ideas, assessing where we stand, preparing for my return in January.

However,  while we work quietly at our desks, in the back of our minds we are thinking about next weekend.


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