Monday, September 5, 2011

The Pink Paper

One of the "anthropological studies" we did to prepare ourselves for our trip was getting a month-long subscription to the Financial Times (a London-based paper) in addition our usual New York Times. Each morning I would compare the front pages, and read articles on the same subject from both papers. Here were some of my observations on the coverage of the London riots:

Financial Times:
  • front page articles and pictures
  • article about the effect on the Olympics
  • focus on the need to recall parliament again
  • criticized the prime minister's actions
  • reported fewer people (than NYT) arrested after the first day

New York Times:
  • front page articles and pictures
  • reported more people arrested after the first day than FT did
  • talked about the Egyptian's take on the riots
  • speculating about the cause of the looting to be austerity and anger towards police
Overall, I didn't notice many drastic differences between the two papers. The FT was pink, a bit of a shock each morning, but the writing was similar. Both newspapers were globally-focused, each with an emphasis on its own country. The NYT reviewed Broadway and had many human interest stories, whereas the FT featured the West End and stock market crashes.

Now that I'm familiar with one British paper, I'm looking forward to reading the others in London. Any recommendations on interesting publications (newspapers, magazines etc.)?


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