Thursday, December 8, 2011

Exton-- Our Visit to a Small Town

In contrast to the hustle and bustle of London, England's Midlands are exceptionally peaceful. We discovered this when we went to visit some family friends the Howisons in their village called Exton. The six of us (including Susan and Harry) schlepped there in our rented eight seater van. Dad expertly drove despite that he hadn't driven on the left side of the road since we lived here last. We arrived at their charming house which was in the midst of many old houses, even some with thatched roofs.

We took a walk around the town and every person we say would wave and say hello. This was quite different than London where you get a long quizzical stare if you do so much as smile at a passing stranger. That night we all went across the street to their local pub The Fox and Hound to sing Christmas carols. The whole village was clustered around the pub's outdoor Christmas tree, singing. It was beautiful to see the union of generations with the children collecting money for their school and everyone with pristine British accents. After some mulled wine everyone became even more friendly and we all crowded into the cozy pub for catch up. The whole scene was really lovely with everyone participating and having a pint.

Pubs used to be only for adults but since many started to admit children, they have become even more lively and part of the community. Our hosts Fay and Dan knew everyone by name and would thank each other for their last share of vegetables or homemade jam. Overall we got an insight on the close knit community in a small village, which is so precious. It is something you just can't get in London.


1 comment:

  1. Did you get to sing the English versipn of "Away in the Manger"? Lovely tune that is...always reminds me of Christmas in England...Enjoy your last few days there...have fun on your trip to Germany and Spain...and see you soon back in Merry 'Ol San Carlos!
