Sunday, September 18, 2011

Two Ears, One Mouth

As a family we have agreed, naturally with varying levels of enthusiasm, to keep up this blog as a family journal.  As cub reporters our contract calls for each of us to publish one piece a week.

You can help!   Here are three ways:

1. Suggest topics you’d like to read about, ask a question.
2.  Comment on posts:
  a. Which do you like? Why? 
  b. What experiences have you had that a post brings to mind?
3.  Give us your suggestions for things to do, see, read, think about.

Send feedback to us by clicking on “comments” at the bottom of a blog post.
If you want to receive new posts as email let us know and we can set that up.  We also won't be offended when you tell us STOP! with emails.
We look forward to listening to you carefully with both ears.  You’ll hear from each of our mouths weekly.


1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone!Have only read one post so far, but thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to reading more. I can tell you that I love see pictures with your posts, as they help tell the story. I have one suggestion too: sometime before you return, you might make an interesting trip off the beaten path to see the tomb of Sir Captain Richard Francis Burton in Mortlake. It's done in stone in the form of a bedouin tent! And who knows what you might discover going there. That's my two pence!
