Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Are you American?"

I've been going to swim practice for about two weeks now, and Abby started on Monday. We're part of the Haringey Swim Club, based out of a leisure center nearby. There are about twenty kids, all around our age. They all have fabulous British accents, and they're all very curious about "the Americans." One of the conversations I've had many times is:

"Are you American?"
"I love your accent."
"Thank you, I love yours."
"Oh. Which school do you go to?"
"I'm taking classes online."
"Really? Do you know (fill in a celebrity) who lives in Hollywood?"
"No, I live in Northern California."

On the whole everyone is really nice. They want to know what we miss and what we like about London. Our coach gives us recommendations of non-tourist things to do in the city. I'm really enjoying meeting people my age, and it's particularly interesting to hear about what they think about the U.S. Tonight everyone wanted to know if we missed the juicy hamburgers or the sunshine. I think they were a bit disappointed that we missed the taste of the water and our cat.



  1. When I was your age I visited Wisconsin. Everyone wanted to know about California, and another boy said "I'm surprised you wear a watch." When I asked why he said "Because of surfing all the time - I would think it would be hard to remember to take it off"

  2. Lily! I love this! There is a kid who joined my french class from London who has a AMAZING accent and everyone is so impressed by him! Do they think your accent is cool? I'm hoping to send you and Abby emails today, looking through your blog everything looks so just amazing and I'm glad you're having fun! Love the pictures!!

